Les Journées Scientifiques organisées tous les ans depuis la création de la Chaire « Résilience & LeaderShip », visent à créer un espace de dialogues, entre les sphères académiques et professionnelles, sur la résilience organisationnelle et le leadership en tant que réponse aux crises. Nous avons eu le plaisir de tenir cet événement à la Faculté de Santé d’Angers, que nous remercions pour leur accueil et leur implication dans l’organisation de cette journée.
Cette 4e édition était centrée sur le thème : « Les équipes dans la crise : enjeux de coordination ».
Un vaste sujet découpé en deux demi-journées alternant l’intervention d’une référence académique, puis de deux décideurs opérant en contexte extrême, avant d’ouvrir la discussion autour d’une table ronde. Un format permettant l’approfondissement du propos, ainsi que le partage des différentes visions.
Jonathan C. Ziegert is a Professor and Department Head in the Department of Management of the LeBow College of Business at Drexel University. His research focuses on how influence is structured and carried out in teams and units.
Within this broader frame, he examines two main areas:
(1) the distribution of influence in terms of how collective forms of leadership relate to formal leadership and outcomes and
(2) the alignment and flow of influence in terms of the coordination of team members and the factors that impact information exchange.
Jonathan has studied these issues in a variety of work settings including Fortune 500 companies, hospitals, banks, universities, volunteer service teams, and nonprofit settings. His work has been published in a number of journals including Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. He received his Ph.D. in organizational psychology from the University of Maryland.
Jeroen Wolbers is Assistant Professor of Crisis Governance at the Institute for Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University. His expertise lies in crisis and disaster management on the topics of coordination, sensemaking, and decision-making. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal ‘Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy’.
Jeroen obtained his PhD (cum laude) for introducing a fragmentation perspective on coordination in crisis management. He worked at VU University in the Dutch Research Council funded ‘Smart Disaster Governance’ project, where he studied the governance of social convergence in crisis and disasters. Consecutively, he was awarded with a 4-year Dutch Research Council personal Veni grant to study the effectiveness of command tactics in crisis management. Results from this research continue to improve the curriculum on command tactics for the Dutch Fire Academy and the Netherlands Institute for Public Safety (NIPV). His work is published in leading organization and crisis management journals, such as Organization Studies, Human Relations, the Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy.
Currently, Jeroen is Director of Education for the Institute of Security and Global Affairs at Leiden University. He is responsible for the management of the large security-oriented educational programs, such as Bachelor Security Studies, Bachelor Cybersecurity &
Cybercrime, the Master Crisis & Security Management, the Master International Relations & Diplomacy, and the Executive Master Cyber Security.